Saturday, January 29, 2011

Is Jesus Christ, God?

Many of us believe in Jesus Christ as God for one simple and recurring theme in the bible, especially in the New Testament--the truth that Jesus is the Son of God. Christian groups around the world, including the Catholic Church, equate the status of deity to Christ simply on the basis of many apostles referring to Jesus as "son of God". Is being a "son of God" automatically makes one, a god?

Is this term "son of God", applies only to Christ in the bible? No.

Several references in the bible point to angels and archangels as "sons of God". In the book of Genesis, angels and the hosts of heaven are referred to as "sons of God". Abraham, one of God's prophets, was once referred to as a "friend of God". Is the statement "son of God" a status that is bestowed by birth or this is earned?

Apostle Paul, in his writings, refer to Christ as a "son of God". John, a dear apostle of Christ, even described Jesus as the "only begotten son of God". When one uses the term "begotten", it connotes being born with it, meaning, being born as a god. But, is this exclusive only to Christ?

In the first letter of John, chapter 3:1-2, it is written:

" Think of the love that the Father has lavished on us, by letting us be called God's children; and that is what we are...My dear people, we are already the children of God but what we are to be in the future has not yet been revealed; all we know is, that when it is revealed we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he really is."

Paul wrote in Hebrews 12:7, that God treats the true believers as "sons". How did the apostles and the early believers of God thru Christ became "children of God"? The answer is explicit in the next passage:

" Surely everyone who entertains this hope, must purify himself, must try to be as pure as Christ." (1 John 3:3)
How does purification of oneself comes about? 1 Peter 1: 22 writes that the first stage of purification is thru obedience to the truth. What is the truth?

The truth is, that we must all live in the light. This means believers must be in union with God thru Christ (1 John 1:5-7). Living in the light means walking in the light. What is walking in the light means?

It means living a righteous life, acknowledging that Jesus came in the flesh, and brought the message of salvation to the world. After gaining this faith, building it up by following the law through obedience, thereby building love in him. When love has already been planted in the heart of the believer, he automatically lives or walks in the light until the final day of judgment. 

When someone purifies himself like Christ, and believes that "Jesus is the Christ" is a "begotten by God" (1 John 5:1). What these passages say is that Jesus became a begotten son of God when he purified himself before God. How did Jesus purified himself before God, the Father? 

Paul wrote in Hebrews 12:2 that Jesus was the one who "leads us in our faith and brings it to perfection." He further writes that Jesus was the "great shepherd of the sheep by the blood that sealed on eternal covenant" (Hebrews 13:20). It was Christ who sealed the new covenant by his deathly sacrifice. (Hebrews 9:15). Christ was a mediator "so that the people who were called to an eternal inheritance may actually receive what was promised: his death took place to cancel the sings that infringed the earlier covenant.(Hebrews 9:15-17).

How did a mediator become god? Christ was never really a god. He was made as an example of how one, a being in the flesh, becomes a son of God. The life of Jesus was a guide towards how man can save himself from everlasting death and for an eternal residence in the New Heavens that God already assigned as a gift to those who believe. 

Man's two choices in life

Man has just two (2) choices in his life---tread a life that leads to the Holy City of God or a life of perdition that leads to everlasting death. For some people, the choice is simply not that simple. Catholic teachings tell of a middle road which leads to a place where souls reportedly are kept until the Day of Judgment.

My studies indicate no such place exists. The Bible only teaches two places for man---a place of Light and a place of darkness, or what others describe as a never-ending darkness, an abyss. Theology teaches this to be Abayon. 

In the last Days, God will judge every single person He Created.

How man will be judged? Man will be judged based on how he lived his life. If he lived his life based on the Law, and loved his fellowmen and gave service to the widows, orphans and the poor, then expect God to give him his reward---everlasting life. 

The Laws that God gave to man are like road signs---they point to the true road to genuine happiness and joy. There is a formula for salvation of one's soul, and that is:

Worship the One True God by following his laws. BY following his laws, true love will develop in him and this will lead him safe until the Day of Judgment.

Faith, alone, cannot save a man from the impending disaster. Faith, without works, is nothing. Love, meanwhile, is everything.

Where there is love, there is peace of mind. Where there is true, unselfish love, there is happiness. Love guides the true believer to the true path towards the Holy City of God. 

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Apostle Paul

I've been reading Paul's account on his proselytization efforts during the first millennium AD and most of the things he did was actually church building. That was the impression. However, if you read closely other books in the New Testament, you'll discover that the remaining twelve apostles were actually the ones who initiated and built Christ's church until it reached Rome. 

Paul, who was once an active Jewish theologian, converted to Christianity after a life-altering experience. He was, admittedly, one of the rabid anti-Christian prosecutors who arrested several Christian preachers, including one whom he condemned to die. When Jesus Christ appeared before him and blinded him, Paul decided to accept the new faith and lead it towards regional acceptance. Christ brought back his sight and Paul recovered.

The reason why I am writing briefly about Paul right now is the fact that most of his writings are used by several Christian ministers to either refute earlier Christian beliefs or reinforce theirs. Some of Paul's writings differ from the theology of the four Gospels. It seems that Paul's theology was a synthesis of Jewish religious faith and that of, Christ's. 

For example, his theory on the transformation of the human body from flesh to spiritual. This is what he wrote in several portions of the First Book of Corinthians--the hope of transforming the flesh toa spiritual being. Though in essence, Christ alluded to this in his speeches but never really described how this would actually occur. Paul wrote that the transformation will be "like a blink of an eye". The only question is--when will this happen?

Will this happen prior to the pouring of God's wrath upon the earth or when the entire earth has been wiped out by God?

It seems that the most logical conclusion is simply during the time when the believers are called by Christ, and gathered into one place, and prior to the believer's ascension into the bosom of God. This is actually prior to the cleansing that God thru Wisdom would accomplish during the last day. Paul said that by the sound of the trumpet, meaning, during the process of calling the flock, this transformation will occur. 

Saturday, January 1, 2011

What is holiness?

Holiness is not something reserved for a Pope, nor a Cardinal or Bishop. It is something that every one is entitled to be, if the will of the Spirit is stronger than the will of one's flesh. Holiness is something earned while doing the very things which God has given to us as laws.

Holiness is the result or reward to somebody who follows the Law. The Law is the prerequisite for holiness. When man made a testament with God, it was something done for men to be saved. Those outside the Testament, God said, will be destroyed. How then, will man be forever within the bounds of the testament?

When God desired upon His Heart that he shall never destroy humankind with another flood during the time of Noah, that was a testament. There was a caveat though. Man must follow the precepts which God laid down for men. These very same precepts are roadmaps toward holiness. No one will be accepted in the Kingdom of God if one does not follow these precepts. 

When one is holy, he will see the face of God, like the prophets of old, specifically Moses, Elijah and the rest. How did they do it? BY being obedient and totally subservient to God. Subservience is the key towards holiness. 

True holiness therefore, depends on one's subservience to God. When one totally relies to God for everything, he worships God in truth. When one totally depends in God, he then makes himself worthy in holiness. 

Depend in God. Do not doubt his power. Do not doubt His Lordship. Trust in God. Put everything in God and everything will turn out fine. 

The True Church of God

What is the true church of God?

According to the scriptures, the true Church of God is a flock of believers, who believe in the One-ness of God. A church is nothing like those Gothic-inspired structures that we see, oh no. A church is something spiritual, not exactly built on concrete. For everything that we read in the scriptures concern spiritual things, and those who are somewhat material, were meant to be built in order to achieve spiritual holiness.

A church, as I said, is a flock. When you say a flock, it means a group of believers. A church is different from a temple. A temple is a physical place where those who worship God, goes to regularly to do their duties to God.

The true church of God is scattered throughout the world, and in the Last Days, those who truly worship God will be called together by their shepherd. The shepherd will prepare the true believers and servants of God together, and like a bride, prepared for the wedding.

What is this wedding? What does this mean?

It means that the church of God, the flock of believers, will then be made to be one with God. A wedding is not just a rite for lovers. In scriptural terms, it means the one-ness of two bodies, one-ness based on one belief.

One might even say that the wedding describes in the last day, is a rite of passage. Those who believe in God will be one with God, not just in belief, but even in their physical forms. In an instant, those who truly believe God will assume heavenly bodies, because, as I wrote in a previous entry, no impure being can actually see or bear the Face of God. Believers will don a new cloth, a cloth of holiness, fit to see the beauty, and power, and might of God.

This wedding also means that believers will now be under the protection and shield of God. The groom, which in this case is God, will protect the bride from the impending catastrophe. And what is that? It is that great and mighty Day of the Lord, when, God, thru Wisdom, will cast judgment upon the world. It is when everything will be destroyed and replaced by a new Heaven and a New earth. Death will be cast aside and taken into the fiery fires of the Abyss, along with the despicable creatures created by sin and iniquity.

How to be a member of this church?

How to be saved from Eternal Death

Several years ago, I wrote a book entitled, "The Holy Way Towards the City of the Lord." It was culled from several months of study about the Scriptures and what those immortal words really meant when they say that a person is already "saved."

This is what I found out.

When the universe was created, it was created by a God. This God is described as the holiest of the holies, the Most God Who lived above Everything. God is the holiest of all the Spirits, and in the beginning, there is no other except God.

God created Wisdom upon Whom everything came about. Since God, being Spirit cannot live among the flesh or material, God created Wisdom, an alter-Ego. Wisdom is described as the mirror-image of God, but, not God Himself.

This mirror-image of God created every single one in the heavens. Fact is, God thru Wisdom created the heavens. Wisdom created the Kingdom of God which resides among the firmaments of the heavens. It sits on top of Mount Zion, in the Northernmost point of the Kingdom.

There, a Throne sits in the middle of a dome-shaped structure. From Where the True God lives,  life-giving energies flow from above down to the Throne. These energies then flow down to a Spring and onwards to a river that snakes through down the mountain to the plains below.

The plains house mansions of majestic beauty where residents of Heaven live. The heavenly creatures which serve God live in these mansions, and houses.

When iniquity was created through the haughtiness of Lucifer, one of God's perfect creatures, God thru Wisdom has to create another dimension. This dimension, the material universe, was intended to be the place where Goodness and Evil will be seen.

Wisdom then created a point in heaven, where all energies were sucked and their burst outward creating the known universe. From this, God banished Lucifer, until the proper time comes for his eventual destruction.

Inside the known universe, God thru Wisdom created earth, the place where God intended His holy servants would live. God thru Wisdom created Eden, a garden where the first Humans resided.

Adam and Eve were thus created. They mirrored image Holiness, but not the physical features of God. God do not have anthropological features.

Lucifer, who posed himself as Satan, lured these first creatures to sin. God banished Adam and Eve from Eden, to live in the outer fringes of earth.

When Adam and Eve sinned, they were removed from the mercies of God. They have to work and toil the soil to eat, an analogy that they are now outside the protection of God. When they were with God, they don't have anything to worry. They don't eat. They don't need food because their sustenance came from loving God. God is enough for man to exist...forever.

That is why when God finally puts an end to sin in the last day, God will transform the bodies of His Servants, from their fleshly bodies to heavenly bodies. Why? This signals a transformation of their beings, from material to spiritual. For one to live forever, a being must become spiritual.

For a being to become spiritual, it must not be impure. One cannot live in the presence of a Holy God if one is impure.

Purity therefore, is the secret towards attaining salvation. How then can one attain spiritual purity or holiness.

Seek first the kingdom of God and all things shall be added unto you, says Jesus Christ, one of the messengers of God who Himself, struggled for purity. Jesus Christ is the living testament of the possibility of a human attaining spiritual purity and therefore, enjoying the distinction of being the first High Priest of God among His created human beings.

The life of Jesus and of course, other messengers who preached about the Oneness of God, are thus given as case studies or examples of how one is to live in order to attain spiritual purity.

Who is pure in the sight of God but those who live according to His laws. When one lives according to the Laws of God, that man lives towards purity or holiness.

Worship the Lord Your God with all your heart, with your might and with all your soul. When you worship God, you worship the things which God loves, one of them, seeking His Face, meaning His Truth and doing things to your fellow men.

Working diligently and honestly is worshipping God. Giving thanks to him every single day is worshipping God. Loving your fellow men and helping those in need is worshipping God. Taking care of the lands entrusted to you is worshipping God.

Do not kill. Do not commit adultery. Do not commit blasphemy. Honor your Father and Your Mother. Honor the Sabbath.

Do not eat blood. Do not eat unholy sacrifices. Do not swear before heaven. Do not lie. Do not cheat. Do not get involved in usury.

When you commit no sin against God and your fellow men,  and follow the precepts that God thru Wisdom have given men as a roadmap towards God's kingdom, it is as if a man is preparing himself as a priest of God. Those who want to be saved should become priests.

Jesus Christ or Yeshu, was a Nazarite, someone who was prepared to become a priest. Only a priest is allowed entry into the Holiest of Holies. Only a priest can bear the sign of the Face of the MOst Holy God.

Therefore, to be saved, one must become a priest, someone who follows the Laws of God to the letter and someone who abstains from material pursuits and follows not the dictates of the flesh, but the dictates of the Most Holy Spirit.

That man, follows the true and holy path towards citizenship in God's kingdom. Amen.