I've been reading Paul's account on his proselytization efforts during the first millennium AD and most of the things he did was actually church building. That was the impression. However, if you read closely other books in the New Testament, you'll discover that the remaining twelve apostles were actually the ones who initiated and built Christ's church until it reached Rome.
Paul, who was once an active Jewish theologian, converted to Christianity after a life-altering experience. He was, admittedly, one of the rabid anti-Christian prosecutors who arrested several Christian preachers, including one whom he condemned to die. When Jesus Christ appeared before him and blinded him, Paul decided to accept the new faith and lead it towards regional acceptance. Christ brought back his sight and Paul recovered.
The reason why I am writing briefly about Paul right now is the fact that most of his writings are used by several Christian ministers to either refute earlier Christian beliefs or reinforce theirs. Some of Paul's writings differ from the theology of the four Gospels. It seems that Paul's theology was a synthesis of Jewish religious faith and that of, Christ's.
For example, his theory on the transformation of the human body from flesh to spiritual. This is what he wrote in several portions of the First Book of Corinthians--the hope of transforming the flesh toa spiritual being. Though in essence, Christ alluded to this in his speeches but never really described how this would actually occur. Paul wrote that the transformation will be "like a blink of an eye". The only question is--when will this happen?
Will this happen prior to the pouring of God's wrath upon the earth or when the entire earth has been wiped out by God?
It seems that the most logical conclusion is simply during the time when the believers are called by Christ, and gathered into one place, and prior to the believer's ascension into the bosom of God. This is actually prior to the cleansing that God thru Wisdom would accomplish during the last day. Paul said that by the sound of the trumpet, meaning, during the process of calling the flock, this transformation will occur.
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