Wednesday, February 16, 2011

God took people as tribute--why?

I've been re-reading the Bible. As a kid, I read it many times over. As a man, I even wrote my first book based on the bible. I've been fascinated by life. Life motivates me to question certain things. Science and the ancient writings fill my questions, and fantasies ceased to be fantasies. 

What caused life to spring to being? Scientists at the CERN in Switzerland already found an answer when they created molecules out of nothing. What did they fail to answer is why matter was created anyway? There must be a purpose, like laws having distinct roles in everything in the universe. 

Everything is pure reason. Every single thing created for a reason. For without reason, there is no existence. 

We are interested in finding out how nature created certain things, but we always fail in finding out why it was created anyway, until we realize that every single thing is linked to some thing in some way and somehow. Life is like a multi-branch tree, a branch always has some flower or leaf in it. 

Reading the bible, I was fascinated with one passage: " When God left Sinai, God was with myriads of divine chariots and taking several people as tribute to his original sanctuary, in Zion (Psalm 68:17-18; Ephesians 4:8-10).

It was never really explained why God took several people captive and made them as tributes to be sent to his original sanctuary, in Zion. Who were these people taken captive? They were taken by God to heaven, in Zion, "His sanctuary." Why?

There were at least three people known to have been taken by God to heaven---Enoch, Elijah and Emmanuel or Jesus. Enoch was taken body and soul--to heaven. Same as Elijah who was swept away by a chariot of fiery horses. Jesus was taken to heaven without the usual fanfare.

I also found out about "God's tent". Do you know that, during the Old Testament, this tent moved at least several times, most distinguishable in three biblical places--in Salem (Jerusalem's name in the original), Sinai (in the hills of Bashan) and Shiloh. Fact is, in Shiloh, God lived among men. Wisdom settled in Shiloh just once (Psalm, 78:59). It was there where Wisdom lived with men and where men went to confer with God (Psalm 42:4).

These incidents contradicted earlier pronouncements by God Himself when He declared in Genesis that He will not live among men, for men are but flesh. We will never know why God changed His mind and lived with men during the time of David and even during his son's time, Solomon's.

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